Category: Coaching & Organizational Change

Enygma Technologies - The Madness In The Method

Knows All, Sees All… I Don’t Think So Buster!

  I had written a piece referring to a culture of blame previously and wanted to expand a little bit more on a complimentary shift in that paradigm. Fear is an amazing motivator.  When we think “Fight or Flight” it may motivate you to save your own life but there’s another side to that coin. …
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October 9, 2018 0

Religion vs Evolution

  Don’t call the PC Police just yet, it’s not what you think. I was at an event last evening speaking to a gentleman I had just been introduced to about who we are, what we do, you know, the “Getting To Know You” phase of the conversation.  During the course of the conversation I…
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September 15, 2018 0

Facilitate Learning Not Frustration

  How does your IT organization spend its time?  Do you feel like you’re consumed by firefighting or are you able to focus on facilitating the businesses needs?  Do you work with an IT staff that is full of wonderful people who do everything they can to help but feel that they’re just overwhelmed? One…
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September 4, 2018 0